Do the Hairline Treatments Work

Texas, Houston - Report by Alexis. Today, we will give information about Do the Hairline Treatments Work.

Traction Alopecia is unfortunately one of the leading causes of hair loss for most Black Women today. There are so many products available on store shelves, online stores and direct marketers that claim to bring your hairline back, but do they work?
What actually happens to your hairline when it "GOES" 
When you repeatedly pull at your hair follicles every time you style, the hair eventually breaks off from the root and the follicle either becomes dormant or it completely dies. This means the treatment that you choose has to have the ability to stimulate your follicle. 

What are the products that regrow your hairline?
In my opinion there are currently no topical products available in Mzansi that can re-grow your hairline if your follicles are completely dead. The only way you can reverse your hair loss is surgically or through laser treatments. Wait what? Why did I say  that? I am sure you have seen many images of people who have miraculously re-grown their hairlines on social media, using various products. Well I am sorry to burst your bubble but none of these products have been independently verified. Not a single one of them. They all rely heavily on testimonials from their customers.

The problem I have with unverified testimonials is a lot of factors go unchecked. For example some of the things I would like to know is, at what stage of traction alopecia was the individual? Did the individual make any dietary or lifestyle changes? Did they take any supplements before, during or after they started the treatment?  Did the individual start taking care of their hair better during the treatment? What hair styles did they adopt during the treatment? Was the product used exclusively or did the individual "cocktail" the product with other products? In my opinion these and many other questions need to be answered, before a product is considered to be the miracle cure, purely because it might not work for me because I might not exercise or or eat the same way as the individual in the testimonial. 

What I do know for certain about Traction Alopecia is that it is self inflicted unlike Androgenic Alopecia.  What I also know is that ceasing the action that is causing the hair loss will stop it in it's tracks.  South African legislation dictates that any product that makes a claim must substantiated by appropriate scientific or statistical data, which conforms to a international standards.  Don't get duped into buying expensive products with faceless clients,  ALWAYS always question the person selling you the products they MUST tell you what the merits of the product are.

I hope this post was helpful.  If you have tried any hairline treatment with success let me know in the comment section, your comment could help a person struggling with the same problem. Also if  you think a friend might benefit from this article please share it with them. 



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