At-Home Skin Care Remedies for Flawless, Glowing Skin

Wisconsin, Milwaukee - Report by Ella. Today, we will give information about At-Home Skin Care Remedies for Flawless, Glowing Skin.

At-Home Skin Care Remedies for Flawless, Glowing Skin
At-Home Skin Care Remedies for Flawless, Glowing Skin - DIY natural beauty treatment is not only offer up awesome beauty benefits for your skin. It is also cheap and won’t harm your environment due to its natural ingredient.

Try these natural remedies you can apply to your skin at home and feel the dramatic difference on your skin!

Potato Slices

We all know about the cucumber-slice trick to improve the appearance of puffy or tired-looking eyes, but it’s a lesser-known fact that slices of potato do all that, and more. The vitamin B in potatoes soothes inflammation. You can use either sliced raw potatoes, or a cotton pad soaked in the juice from a grated potato. Apply either treatment to closed eyelids for 15 minutes.


Tomatoes contain the antioxidants beta carotene, lycopene and vitamin E which can help to soothe skin and reduce the appearance of large pores.

Egg Whites

This home remedy lends a new meaning to the expression “You’ve got egg on your face.” Egg whites can be used as a firming and pore-reducing skin treatment. Whip the egg whites until foamy, spread the liquid evenly onto your face, and allow it to dry. Rinse it off after 10-15 minutes. Don’t just throw the egg yolks away, either use them in baking.

Why does this work? Egg whites are packed with proteins, which bind to your skin and draw oil out of it. When the egg whites dry, they cause the skin to tighten up and your enlarged pores to shrink.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is also rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, making it a great moisturizer. Rub it into the skin on your hands and feet to soften it, soak fingernails in it to give your at-home manicure additional shine, or leave it in your hair for 30 minutes before shampooing to get lustrous locks.

Read more: Olive Oil for Your Skin

Apple Cider Vinegar

For optimal skin health, you should avoid getting sunburn in the first place, but everyone slips up sometimes. When you’ve gotten a little too much sun, apply apple cider vinegar to the affected skin to keep it from blistering and peeling.

Apply apple cider vinegar by soaking a towel in it and blotting the vinegar onto the affected area.

If you have an all-over sunburn, mix some vinegar into a bathtub filled with cool water, and soak in it to soothe your skin. It might make you smell like salad dressing, but I’ll keep you from looking like a lobster for quite as long.

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