Maximum Hydration Method (MHM)

Louisiana, New Orleans - Report by Taylor. Today, we will give information about Maximum Hydration Method (MHM).

Okay so I have being looking for ways to moisturise and hydrate my hair……. I have trolled the WWW and Maximum Hydration Method (MHM) keeps popping up so I am going to try it……

 What is the Maximum Hydration Method?
  The method was developed by  Pinke Cube (  when she developed a bald spot on her head….(OMG) she tried everything to re-grow the hair and nothing worked so she decided to wear a shower cap on her head for 3 months in the hopes of  growing the hair back….. and it grew…..1.5inches to be exact on that spot(WOW  right)……. what she learned later was that she inadvertently created a “greenhouse effect”  on her head which made the rest of her hair reach “maximum hydration” ....clearly she had stumbled upon something …….so she did  some research on the WWW and discovered what other people were doing and from all this the Maximum Hydration Method was born you can read all about  Pinke Cube’s journey on her website and on  Miss Dee Kay’s blog (   

Okay so how do you do this method already?
So……..before you even begin the MHM you need to do a Cherry Lola Treatment!!!??? Yes I know it sounds like something Coca Cola would make but bear with me………..we almost there

This treatment was created by Cherry Lola to minimise the frizz she experienced on her own hair……. so since hair is basically made up of protein….. to treat hair you need to put the protein back into your hair …….and as we all know (I didn’t know this until I read her blog) Amino Acids are the “building blocks” of all protein ……. She goes on to explain the different types of Amino Acids and their sources and their uses in our bodies but most specifically what they do for our hair……… please check out her blog ……it’s extremely informative…… so for the treatment you will need……

 175g Plain Yoghurt
75ml Braggs Liquid Amino Acids
1.5 Tbsp. Bicarbonate of Soda

Mix the yoghurt and Amino Acids together once combined mix in the bicarbonate of soda to aerate the mixture it should start fizzing and it gets’ real fluffy ……then you apply it from the root to the tip of hair………when you done put on a shower cap and sit with the mixture for up to 2 hours on your hair it can be rinsed off after 30 mins but the longer you let it marinate” the better it should….. rinse it off and deep condition your hair overnight…… in the morning just rinse it off and style your hair as desired

 Okay now back to the MHM method
There are 5 steps to the MHM and you need to do these EVERY DAY for 7 Days to reach Maximum Hydration……I know it seems a lot but from the testimonials and videos I have watched it all seems worth it…..okay so here we go……

You will need
Bicarbonate of Soda 
Aussie Moist Miracle Conditioner
Mix all this together and apply on your hair and let it sit on your hair for 30 – 60 minutes then rinse

Co-Wash and Detangle
Apply Aussie Miracle Moist Conditioner on your hair and detangle once this is done put on a shower cap  and deep treat over night
In the morning when you wake up you start with the next step

 Bentonite Clay Rinse
Bentonite Clay
Olive Oil
Apply the mixture on to your hair making sure you detangle your curls and separate them leave this on your hair for 15 mins
The next 2 steps must be done in conjunction with each other

  Leave in Conditioner
Squirt about 30ml of Dr Miracle Curls leave in conditioner into a spray bottle mix with 100mls of water. Section Hair and drench each section with this mixture then apply gel to each section

Apply Dischem Non-Alcohol gel to each section of hair after the above step into your hair starting from the root to the tip make sure you smooth it on to each strand so that your hair doesn’t clump together

MissDeeKay’s blog  has a lot of information down to the conditioner and gel product suggestions BUT………since I am all the way here in Joburg I cannot get those conditioners and gels I am going to use products I have check out my shopping  list and where I got the products 

I will update my results daily so don’t forget to subscribe……….. and when I am done I will give away a hamper with all the products I used so that one of my lucky subscribers can also try this method…..



Thank you for reading this article about Maximum Hydration Method (MHM). Give your feedback when articles about Maximum Hydration Method (MHM) very interesting for you. Please share to social media or leave a comment. May be useful. ( Taylor )

1 comment:

  1. Great information. This Hydration Method would be very helpful for everyone. I would like to share another good site that they can provide Hydration Therapy very long time.


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