Internal Factors that Affect your Skin

North Carolina, Charlotte - Report by Makayla. Today, we will give information about Internal Factors that Affect your Skin.

Internal Factors that Affect your Skin
Internal Factors that Affect your Skin - Internal factors can play a major role in the health and condition of the skin. Therefore, our skin is a reflection of our internal wellness. Take a look closer at what factors which affect the skin internally.


The skin is made up of 70% water. Water carries nutrients to the cells and flushes toxins from the body. You need to drink an adequate amount of water every day for your skin’s health. Even mild levels of dehydration can cause the skin to become dry. 8 glasses of water a day will replace what we lose during the day. A little water on the skin also helps moisturize it – a 10 minute shower restores moisture. But extended time in the water will remove natural oils and dry the skin out.


Natural hormonal changes in the body affect the condition of the skin. The rise of hormones in teenagers affects the sebaceous glands and causes an imbalance in the skin. Hormone level during menstruation can cause the skin to erupt. Pigmentation changes are common during pregnancy and menopause slows the activity of sebaceous glands, causing the skin drier.


Healthy skin is not only a sign of a good skincare. It’s a sign of a healthy diet. Poor nutrition, foods high in fats, sugar, or those with additives and made with refined products, can affect the elasticity, texture, brightness and clarity of the skin. Foods packed with cell-rejuvenating properties like vitamins A and E, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and calcium help to keep the skin healthier and younger. For people with skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema, or psoriasis, diet is important, since eating certain foods could aggravate their symptoms or trigger unexpected flare ups.


Getting enough sleep is one of the most effective regenerators for the skin’s natural balance and increases the effectiveness of skin care ingredients, potentially providing more benefit to your skin. When you don’t get enough sleep, eyes look dark and puffy, and over time, the complexion can look dull and dehydrated.


Stress and tension produce adrenaline in the bloodstream. Adrenaline redirects blood flow away from the skin, which decreases the skin’s supply of oxygen. Over time this can result in dull skin tone, loss of elasticity and overactive sebaceous glands, leading to acne breakouts. Over prolonged periods, stressed skin often shows signs of early wrinkling and discoloration when the regenerative process breaks down. This results in a slower rate of cellular turnover – so it takes longer for fresh, new skin cells to reach the skin surface.


Taking certain vitamin supplements is an easy way to help skin healthy. Here are four basic vitamins that help the skin:

Vitamin A- Helps repair body tissues, prevents dryness and aging.
Vitamin B- Improves circulation and skin color and is essential to cellular oxidation.
Vitamin C – Essential for healing, maintains levels of collagen.
Vitamin D – Heals damaged tissues and structural damage to the skin.


Exercise improves blood circulation through the body. Increased blood flow delivers oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells and helps carry away waste products and toxins, including free radicals, from working cells.


Alcohol has a dehydrating effect on the skin – it draws essential water from the tissue. Excessive drinking causes blood vessels in the skin to dilate, resulting in a flushed appearance. For those who are heavy drinkers, this constant swelling of the blood vessels in the face can eventually stretch them out and cause them to remain dilated, even when you are not drinking.

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The effects of smoking have been linked to premature aging, lines and wrinkles. Nicotine weakens the blood vessels supplying blood to tissues, depriving them of essential oxygen, leaving the skin looking dull. Smoking destroys vitamins B and C in the body, which are important for healthy skin. Smoking also increases the pore size of the skin and the formation of lines around the eyes and mouth.


These are organics molecules responsible for aging, tissue damage, and possibly some diseases. External factors such as smoking, pollution, cleaners, herbicides, sunlight, etc., attack the skin at the cellular level causing the quality of newly formed skin cells to deteriorate. After age 20, our natural defense mechanisms decline and the skin can no longer effectively defend itself from free-radicals.

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